Our Leadership

Our church is currently without a local pastor and is under the oversight of our diocesan bishop, The Rt. Rev. R. Charles Gillin. During this time we have appointed lay leaders in our congregation lead Morning Prayer services and preach on Sunday mornings, and we have visiting ministers lead our Service for Holy Communion and serve The Lord’s Supper twice a month. Our Senior Warden, Jared Lovell is a postulant for ordination.

Local Church Officers

The Rt. Rev. R. Charles Gillin

Senior Warden
Mr. Jared Lovell

Junior Warden
Dr. Josh Arp

Our Bishops

Presiding Bishop of the REC
The Most Rev. Ray R. Sutton

Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the NEMA
The Rt. Rev. R. Charles Gillin

Archbishop of ACNA
The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach