The Gifts of God for the People of God
These words from our service of Holy Communion are a good summary of why we exist as a church. We are a gathering of people that exist to receive the gifts of God’s grace that he promises to us in His Word and Sacraments. We see the church gathering as The Lord’s Service to us where we present ourselves as living sacrifices, and are renewed and filled with his spirit. It is a weekly covenant renewal. There we are made fit for his service in the world to go and make disciples.
Shaping People into Worshippers of the True God
Worshipping God is central to who we are as a church. God made this world and he calls all creation to worship Him. Psalm 96:9 says, “Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth!” This therefore is the primary reason we exist as a church: to facilitate and encourage people to draw close to God and worship Him through Jesus Christ. We do this through our regular Sunday services, corporate prayer and singing, hearing the gospel preached, receiving the sacraments, and in all areas of church life spurning others on toward glorifying God.
Outreach is also central to why we exist. Since God created all people to find their joy in worshipping Him then we must reach out to those not fulfilling this purpose. The only means by which sinful people can draw near to God and worship Him is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We proclaim the Gospel through preaching the Bible, personal evangelism, outreach events, and encouraging missionary activity. Gospel in action also comprises our ministry of mercy to the most vulnerable classes of people: the orphans, widows, foreigners, the pre-born, etc.
The goal of our outreach is to bring others into a lifelong commitment to Christ, teaching them to observe all that He has commanded. The preaching, teaching, and studying of the Bible have the purpose of creating disciples who will make other disciples, using their gifts in the Body of Christ. Gospel training involves learning the basics of the Christian faith, studying the Bible, understanding our Prayer Book, the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, and our Anglican tradition. Discipleship entails a Christian worldview and obedience that affects all that we do. Our church life will encourage community, hospitality, and prayer for one another.
Grace Church Distinctives
Bible Saturated
The Bible is God’s Word. In it we find everything we need for our life and doctrine. It is where we hear the story of God working through history, and His special revelation and promises to mankind. We also believe that the Bible is the Church’s book and can only be rightly understood and lived out as it is read and taught among God’s people in the church. That is why our worship service is filled with scripture readings, prayers that are filled with scriptural references, Psalm singing from the text of scripture, preaching and teaching from the Bible and scriptural songs throughout.
Lives Shaped by Liturgy
Thomas Cranmer said, “What the heart loves, the will chooses, and the mind justifies.” Many churches focus on training the mind, knowing that correct belief leads to right action. While this is true, it also works the other way. Oftentimes correct actions shape our beliefs, and our heart. This is why we practice a scriptural liturgy. The liturgy is a subconscious training tool that shapes us and trains us in the good before we even know it. This is helpful for children to participate in that training, but also for adults to be able to follow the patterns and scriptural riches of the liturgy in their lives.
Strong Families
The family is the building block of society and culture. We believe God deals with families as a covenantal unit and so we see nurturing strong families and raising strong christian children as central to our mission. We welcome and support young parents and encourage marriage and child rearing as the scriptural and natural norm for most people. We support families by providing teaching and catechesis to supplement their duty to raise their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” We encouraging children to fully participate in worship with their families, and welcome them to God’s means of grace.
Theological Education
Our theology is shaped by the historic creeds and confessions of reformational Anglicans, and The Book of Common prayer. We emphasize and encourage deep theological discussion, and provide opportunities to sharpen each other in our understanding of God and his Word. We exist to know and glorify God, and going deep in our theological education is a central means toward those ends. Not merely as an academic exercise, but as a true means to know our creator. We also believe christian parents must provide their children with a christian education. As a church we want to build up the whole congregation in their theological education to be able to properly lead in the home and in their other vocations.
Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs
We emphasize worshipping God in beauty through chanting the Psalms, singing traditional hymns and filling our liturgy with spiritual songs. God’s Church in both the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant have always sung prayers to God. Singing is a godly practice since our God is a singing God. (Zephaniah 3:17) Not only are we commanded in the New Testament to “address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,” but God saw fit to give us an inspired song book in the Bible. This is why we not only sing hymns and other spiritual songs, but make a point in our worship to sing the Psalms right from the text of scripture.
All Emcompasing
We emphasize that the Christian Faith, and the teaching of the Bible encompasses all of life. The Christian Faith is not just a private religion for an individual to keep down in their heart. It is a belief and declaration that “Jesus is Lord.” This means that the risen Christ not only forgives us our sins, but demands our full commitment and promises to sanctify us and transform us as we believe and follow Him. This also means this faith effects every aspect of our life. We emphasize that the gospel declaration that “Jesus is Lord” means he is Lord over our church life, our private life, our vocations, our education, our political beliefs and more. We believe Christ’s lordship allows us to be truly human. Grace does not destroy our nature, but restores and prefects it.